3:00 pm onwards
10:00 AM
Your place at Unit 1801, Level 18, 915 Collins Street, Docklands
Use access fob (black Oval shaped) to gain access to the building and for the lift
Please go to 862 Bourke Street, Docklands VIC, Australia
Find the shop named : Golden express supermarket
Shop Open: 10am - 10pm
(Please inform us at least one day before if you cannot arrive in this period)
Check a wall with Padlock: "Key Saving & Collection"
Padlock: " No. 49 - KZ6"
The property key in the padlock as photo show up.
Padlock code : 0612
This property does not come with FREE parking
We suggest you to park on street or EXO Docklands (Merchant Street)
Address of EXO Docklands: 55 Merchant St, Dockland
The garbage room is opposite the lift
You will see the sign on the door.
Call 000 when
seriously injured / urgent medical help
life / property is being threatened
witnessed a serious accident / crime
*Clean all used dishes, stove*
*Clean oven after used*
*Lock the door when leaving the unit*
Simply return all keys to shop, and put key back to " KZ6 "
If you check out early and the shop is not open yet
Please SLIP the KEY through the shop door and leave it inside
please send a photo to us
and you are all right to go!