3:00 pm onwards
10:00 am
Find the mailbox first,mailbox near the building entrance
Open the mailbox 208
,you can find the padlock in there
Mailbox 208
code is 802
Padlock code is 3167
Use the fob to access the building entrance and lift.
Entry the building,and find the lift
Street parking is available on Abercrombie Street,
Dick Street, Belfour Street, Queen Street, and the surrounding areas
Please make sure to check the parking rule signs before parking.
There is a garbage room on the ground
Use the fob to access the entrance and lift
After leaving the lift,
You will go through parking, and see a mains switch room,
The garbage room is on the left side
Please take all the rubbish to garbage room after you check out.
Call 000 when
seriously injured / urgent medical help
life / property is being threatened
witnessed a serious accident / crime
Wash any used dishes and utensils
Clean the oven if used
Simply leave all keys on padlock.
and you are alright to go!