3:00 pm onwards
10:00 am
The property address is 3 Lakeside Dr, MacMasters Beach NSW 2251
If you follow the Scenic Rd, take left turn to the Lakeside Dr
Then see the second entrance,
Turn into the entrance,you will arrive at your property
The padlock is close to the front door
Pick up and Return to the padlock
CODE: 1950
How to open the door?
Use 1 hand to unlock the deadlock with key,And the other hand to rotate the door handle at the same time.
Kayak and surf board are located in the corner of backyard.
Life jackets are stored in the bench in front of the front door.
Guests are welcomed to use those life jackets, surf board and kayak.
Guests need to return the life jackets and surf board,
kayak back to their original place after use and report damages if exist.
The owner and KozyGuru do not have responsibilities
If accident happens while using the life jackets, surf board and kayak owner provides.
2 cars maximum on site.
Street parking also available for free if more than 2 cars.
*No parking on neighbour's spot*
*No parking on lawn*
*Parking on your site only*
The bins are near the building entrance
Red bin every week,
Yellow and Green bins alternatively every fortnight.
Check the bin collection calendar to find out it's yellow or green.
Please help to push the bins out and put on the kerb on Sunday night
Rubbish collection day: Monday
Please take your garbage in the bin after you check out.
Make sure all waste is bagged, tied and put in the bin
Call 000 when
seriously injured / urgent medical help
life / property is being threatened
witnessed a serious accident / crime
Wash any used dishes and utensils
Clean the oven if usedJust leave the key to the padlock
and you are alright to go!