3:00 pm onwards
10:00 am
Your property is at
43 Shoreline Dr, Rhodes NSW 2138
Your property at Unit 504, Level 5
Use the access fob to the car park, lift and building entrance
First, get the mailbox 504 key, then go to the mailbox 504 to get the property's key
According to the route mapThe padlock is under the utility pole
In front of 30 Shoreline Dr, Rhodes NSW 2138
Open the lock with code: 3680
You will get the key to open the mailbox 504
*Click photos for more steps for getting the key*
The mailboxs is in front of the building
Find the mailbox 504
,and use the key to open it
You will get one key and one fob inside
Get the fob from the mailbox 504
Use the fob to open the gate of parking entrance
The entrance is to the left of the mailboxes
The height limit : 2.3 m
The parking lot is No. 504
on the ground
It is located a bit further ahead from the entrance
And you can take lift to your unit
The garbage chute is near the lift on the same floor
First, find the luft, then turn right and go straight
You'll see the garbage chute room
Please ensure all waste is bagged, tied.
And put it in the bin after you check out.
Call 000 when
seriously injured / urgent medical help
life / property is being threatened
witnessed a serious accident / crime
* Wash any used dishes and utensils*
* Clean the oven if used *
Simply return all keys to the mailbox504 or in the room
Please remember to lock the mailbox
and you are right to go