3:00 pm onwards
10:00 am
Your property address is 183 Chuter Ave, Sans Souci NSW 2219
Driveway Parking: Parking on the grass is also allowed.
Street Parking: There are no time restrictions, and you may park anywhere along the street.
Call 000
When seriously injured / urgent medicalhelp
Life / property is being threatened
Witnesseda serious accident / crime
Secure the Property:
Lock the back door and front door securely.
Clean Up:
Wash all used dishes, cups, and utensils.
Remove all personal belongings, food, and drinks.
Dispose of Rubbish:
Tie up and take away all rubbish.
Replace the bin liner with a new one.
Final Checks:
Turn off all lights and taps.
Return Keys:
Place the keys back into the lockbox.
Close the lockbox properly and randomize the pin code.
Thank you for choosing us
and we wish you a pleas ant stay!
Thank You | Kozyguru Management | EnjoyYour Stay